Cage-Fighting Children

School Uses Controversial Gladiator-Inspired Conflict Resolution

Principals are supposed to break up fights, but records show that South Oak Cliff High School actually sent troubled students into a steel utility cage in an athletic locker room to battle it out with bare fists and no head protection.

The alleged cage fights took place between 2003 and 2005, but the principal David Moten has denied any wrongdoing.

"It was gladiator-style entertainment for the staff," said Frank Hammond, a middle school counselor in Cedar Hill, who was fired from South Oak Cliff High School and has filed a whistleblower lawsuit.

Investigator Michael Hinojosa confirmed that there were "some things that happened inside of a cage" but criminal charges were not filed.

Wow, I thought my school was rough, but this takes it to a completely new level!
Trend Themes
1. Controversial Conflict Resolution - There is a need for disruptive innovation in conflict resolution mechanisms, especially in schools.
2. Unconventional Dispute Resolution - There is an opportunity for innovative and unconventional mechanisms for solving disputes in schools.
3. Safe Spaces for Conflict Resolution - Creating safe spaces for conflict resolution in schools is a trend that could lead to disruptive innovations in education.
Industry Implications
1. Education - The education industry needs to invest in effective conflict resolution mechanisms that are safe and ethical.
2. Law Enforcement - The law enforcement industry could learn from cases like this and create community-based programs that deal with conflict resolution.
3. Psychology - The psychology industry could explore the impact of violent conflict resolution mechanisms on individuals and society.

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