Olympic Social Symphonies

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British Airways HomeAdvantage Turns Fans' Messages into a Sound Wave

To support Great Britain's athletes in the London 2012 Olympic Games, the British Airways HomeAdvantage campaign is asking fans to post messages on Twitter and Facebook with the hashtag #HomeAdvantage. Posts with this hashtag will be amalgamated and combined to create a pretty symphony-like sound wave on a dedicated British Airways website.

The results of the innovative British Airways HomeAdvantage campaign can be enjoyed at a dedicated site where users can hear the ongoing symphony and even click into the individual "particles" to see what people are tweeting and posting. Visitors can also filter the tweets they see by athlete, sporting event and venue. According to Popsop, when the #HomeAdvantage hashtag is used a lot, the sound becomes louder and more dramatic, while less tweets and posts results in slower and quieter music.
Trend Themes
1. Social Symphony Campaigns - Social campaigns that incorporate user-generated content to create symphonies present an opportunity for businesses to engage with customers in a unique and interactive way.
2. Real-time Social Media Visualization - Real-time social media visualization allows audiences to interact with content, making campaigns more engaging and shareable.
3. Gamification of Social Media Campaigns - Gamifying social media campaigns by allowing users to filter and navigate content based on specific criteria can increase engagement and drive participation.
Industry Implications
1. Airline Industry - Airline companies can leverage social media and user-generated content to create engaging campaigns that build brand loyalty.
2. Entertainment Industry - The entertainment industry can use social media campaigns to promote upcoming events and engage with fans in real-time.
3. Marketing Industry - Marketing firms can create unique social media campaigns that incorporate user-generated content to drive engagement and brand awareness.

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