Boomers in Movies

From SATC to Indiana Jones, Today's Top Movies Star Geezers

Sex and the City, Indiana Jones and the Crystal Skull, Nights in Rodanthe, Mamma Mia have a two common themes. All the characters are over forty, and most shocking of all: the men are all romancing women their age (or at least not 20-somethings!)

Who would have guessed that movies with women over forty would appeal to women (and men) over forty. SATC killed at the box office. Indiana Jones actually rekindles the hots for Marian who is his age, Nights in Rodanthe stars Richard Gere (58) and Diane Lane (43). Mamma Mia - OMG - stars - gasp - 59 year old Meryl Streep (almost Going Like Sixty!)
Trend Themes
1. Boomers in Film - The trend towards movies starring characters over the age of forty, with a focus on romancing characters of a similar age, presents opportunities for the film industry to cater to older audiences and explore the experiences of this demographic.
2. Age Diversity in Entertainment - A greater representation of characters in movies and TV shows over the age of forty can provide more diverse and realistic portrayals of the experiences and challenges faced by older generations in society.
3. Breaking Age Stereotypes in Media - By casting older actors and actresses in lead roles and exploring themes and issues affecting older generations, the film industry can help break age stereotypes in media and challenge the notion that only young actors can be considered 'bankable'.
Industry Implications
1. Film - The film industry can continue to cater to older audiences and tap into the growing demand for more diverse and realistic portrayals of age and romance in movies.
2. Entertainment - Other areas of the entertainment industry, such as TV shows and streaming services, can also explore age diversity and break stereotypes to create more engaging and relatable content for older viewers.
3. Marketing - There is an opportunity for marketers to target and engage with older audiences who are increasingly interested in seeing more realistic portrayals of ageing and romance in movies and TV shows.

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