Revolution-Inspired Board Games

Bloc by Bloc Simulates Protests and Insurrections

Inspired by revolution and insurrection, Bloc by Bloc is a unique board game that invites players to "Light the fires of resistance." Designed and developed by Out of Order Games, Bloc by Bloc aims to capture the spirit of 21st century protest movements, riots, and popular uprisings. According to T.L Simons, the author of the game, board games are not meant to be apolitical and should instead somewhat reflect what is occurring in contemporary society.

While some board games have explored the idea of revolution, Bloc by Bloc is one of the first be fully cooperative. This aspect of the game was designed by Simons after researching and viewing the 2006 teacher's strike in Oaxaca, the 2008 anarchist insurrection in Greece, and the 2009 Oakland protests. However, while payers must play cooperatively, the game also works to showcase how each party involved may have different reasons for toppling the hegemony.
Trend Themes
1. Revolution-inspired Board Games - Board games that simulate political uprisings and protests.
2. Cooperative Board Games - Board games that require players to work together to achieve a common goal.
3. Political Board Games - Board games that reflect contemporary sociopolitical issues.
Industry Implications
1. Board Game Industry - Companies that create and manufacture board games.
2. Education Industry - Educational institutions that can use Bloc by Bloc as a teaching tool for political science courses.
3. Activism Industry - Organizations that promote and support various social movements can use Bloc by Bloc as a tool for raising awareness and fundraising.

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