Molecular Photo Installations

Bigert & Bergstrom's Project Looks at Space in a Different Way

Bigert & Bergström are two artists who have been working together in Stockholm, Sweden, since 1990.

The gallery features a sample of their work, a piece of art called 'Inverted Space Molecules.' Described as, "Molecular structures of spherical photographs documenting space from a new perspective," the project from Bigert & Bergström is absolutely stunning. Head on over to the art duo's website to see more of their artwork.

Implications - One of the most effective ways a company can garner attention from the media and consumers is by featuring a storefront or company headquarters with a radical, avant-garde aesthetic. By investing in a homebase that is alluring and brazenly original, the company shows the public that they are committed to innovation and originality. This draws potential consumers, the media and interest in the company's products based on previous ingenuity.
Trend Themes
1. Molecular Installations - Artists Bigert & Bergström's molecular photo installations showcase the potential for merging scientific concepts with artistic expression.
2. Avant-garde Aesthetics - Companies can gain media attention and consumer interest by showcasing avant-garde aesthetics in their storefronts or company headquarters.
3. New Perspectives - Bigert & Bergström's art project of photographing space from a new perspective demonstrates the potential for taking a fresh approach to traditional subjects.
Industry Implications
1. Art & Design - The art & design industry can explore the use of molecular structures and innovative perspectives in their art installations.
2. Retail & Hospitality - Retail and hospitality industries can benefit from creating storefronts or company headquarters that showcase unique and avant-garde aesthetics.
3. Science & Technology - The science and technology industry can explore the potential for merging scientific concepts with artistic expression in molecular photo installations.

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