Voter Registration Campaigns

Twitter's #BeAVoter Campaign Helps US Citizens Register to Vote

In an effort to better inform the US public, Twitter announced its #BeAVoter campaign, which aims to help US citizens register to vote in the upcoming US midterm elections. Starting on September 25, 2018, the social media platform will offer US citizens a prompt on their timelines. This prompt will help users navigate to TurboVote, a nonpartisan and non-profit organization aimed at creating an easier voter registration process.

The #BeAVoter campaign will automatically be made trending in the US and by clicking the hashtag, users will be given access to voter registration information. This information includes election reminders and an absentee ballot FAQ. Twitter has even launched a #BeAVoter campaign emoji to help bring attention to the cause.
Trend Themes
1. Social Media Voter Registration - Using social media platforms to streamline the voter registration process.
2. Election Information Campaigns - Efforts to inform the public about elections and voter rights using digital platforms.
3. Nonprofit Voting Platforms - Creating nonprofit platforms to support voter registration and education online.
Industry Implications
1. Social Media - Opportunities for social media companies to partner with nonprofits to increase voter registration and turnout.
2. Digital Marketing - Combining digital marketing efforts with nonpartisan voter registration campaigns.
3. Nonprofit - Developing nonprofit platforms and partnerships to make voter registration and education more accessible.

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