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BBM Music Allows Sharing and Discovery Within Your Network

BBM Music is a fantastic new service that lets users pick fifty songs from a collection of licensed music. Users then have the opportunity to swap up to twenty-five of their songs for new ones every month.

The really interesting feature about BBM Music is the social aspect: users can access all of their friends music. The rationale goes: the more friends, the more music. Another interesting feature is that the music is stored in the phone’s SD card, so users can listen anytime.

Implications - Youth consumers are looking for ways to connect to their friends in the digital landscape. By socializing the music experience, BBM users get to discovery new music but also connect with their friends online in a meaningful way. Companies ought to take this into consideration to find ways to enable a more vivid social experience online.
Trend Themes
1. Social Music Sharing - Companies can innovate on socializing music experience by allowing users to share their music with friends.
2. Personalized Music Streaming - Businesses can create unique condensed lists of licensed music for users to stream based on their music preferences.
3. Mobile-friendly Music Access - Industries can implement services allowing mobile access to users to listen to music online or offline.
Industry Implications
1. Music Streaming Services - Businesses can capitalize on personalized music streaming trends by offering options for dynamic playlists and adequate sharing.
2. Social Media Platforms - Companies can integrate music sharing and listening options into their social media platforms to improve connectivity among users.
3. Telecommunications Companies - Industries should consider implementing mobile music listening options for users on their mobile products and services.

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