Eerily Icy Installations

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The Baptiste Debombourg Aérial Serves as a Reminder of History

The Baptiste Debombourg Aérial installation chills the soul. The exhibition is currently being featured at the Abbey Brauweiler in Germany. The installation is inspired by R. Martin Gard's quote, "the mind is everything. The material is the servant of spiritual." The French artist Baptiste Debombourg patiently created this piece in 420 hours using feuilleté glass, wood, nails, and white paint.

This contemporary piece uses the windows in the space to allow passing light to reflect within the space, which has gone through layers of transformation through the past century. The historically charged space has, "functioned as a beggars Institute, a concentration camp, a Cologne Gestapo prison and as a mental hospital." The shattered layered glass is loaded with multiple metaphoric and literal implications. Leaving Aérial a beautifully eerie artwork.
Trend Themes
1. Glass Art Installations - Incorporating glass art in installations can create a stunning and unique visual experience for viewers.
2. Historically-inspired Art - Drawing inspiration from historical events and spaces can result in thought-provoking and emotional works of art.
3. Layered Artwork - Creating art through layering materials can add depth and texture to a piece and evoke different emotions from the viewer.
Industry Implications
1. Art Exhibitions - Art exhibitions can showcase innovative and unique works of art that challenge viewers and explore new concepts and techniques.
2. Museums - Using historical spaces and artifacts to inspire new artwork can help museums create engaging exhibits that draw in visitors and spark new conversations.
3. Interior Design - Incorporating bold and unique art installations in interior design can make a space more visually interesting and create a memorable experience for visitors.

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