Risque Femme Fatale Lingerie Ads

Mademoiselle Scarlett’s ‘BACI Hunting Season’ C

Risque without leaving anything to the imagination, these BACI Hunting Season ads may appeal to men more than women.

The BACI Hunting Season campaign consists of four images of scantily clad woman posing on top of a white polar bear rug while wearing nothing other than black lingerie, sexy sheer stockings and sky-high heels. Made by Mademoiselle Scarlett in Paris, France, the print ads are paired with the come-hither copy "Hunting season is open. Adult lingerie." While the ads are definitely provocative in a sexual way, they may also ruffle some feathers over at PETA; I’m not sure they would be so happy with the polar bear accessory.

The BACI Hunting Season campaign is a no restraints reminder that this it’s prime time to get your hands on some new pieces of lingerie.
Trend Themes
1. Provocative Advertising - The risque BACI Hunting Season lingerie ads demonstrate the trend of using provocative imagery to capture attention and appeal to a specific audience.
2. Branding with Sexuality - The Mademoiselle Scarlett's campaign showcases the trend of using sexuality as a branding tool to create a strong and memorable image.
3. Controversial Marketing - The BACI Hunting Season ads highlight the trend of utilizing controversial marketing tactics to generate buzz and stand out in a crowded market.
Industry Implications
1. Lingerie - The provocative BACI Hunting Season ads present an opportunity for the lingerie industry to explore more daring and bold marketing strategies.
2. Advertising & Marketing - The BACI Hunting Season campaign exemplifies how the advertising and marketing industry can push boundaries and challenge societal norms to create impactful campaigns.
3. Fashion - The Mademoiselle Scarlett's campaign suggests that the fashion industry can leverage provocative and controversial imagery to create a distinct brand identity.

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