Macho Interest Shows

Broadly's 'Ask a Bro' Series Provides a Look into "Bro Culture"

Since Vice launched 'Broadly,' its dedicated women's interest platform, it has populated its YouTube channel with entertaining segments like 'Style & Error,' 'Ovary Action' and 'Ask a Bro.'

Ask a Bro is a series that Broadly describes as "a study of bro culture in all its beefy, V-necked forms." So far, the five YouTube episodes have taken viewers on an exploration of SantaCon, LA gyms and frat houses in order to examine stereotypes and some of the motivations behind certain behaviors by engaging with men on the street.

In the 'LA Gym Bros' episode, host Lauren Oyler asks a range of questions on how gym buffs optimize their gym routines, why they work out, what it feels like to be extremely good-looking and "If a bro falls in the forest and no one is around to hear him, does he even make a sound?"
Trend Themes
1. Bro Culture - Opportunity for businesses to cater to the interests, needs, and behaviors of the bro culture.
2. Exploring Stereotypes - Potential for companies to challenge and subvert stereotypes through engaging and insightful content.
3. Understanding Motivations - Promising area for businesses to delve into the motivations behind certain behaviors and create customized solutions.
Industry Implications
1. Entertainment - Disruptive innovation opportunities to develop captivating content that resonates with the bro culture.
2. Fitness and Wellness - Opportunity to tailor fitness products and services to the specific needs and preferences of gym buffs within the bro culture.
3. Marketing and Advertising - Potential for innovative campaigns that challenge stereotypes and resonate with the motivations of individuals within the bro culture.

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