Fashion Illustration Exhibitions

‘In the Line of Fashion' Opens at Society of Illustra

The Society of Illustrators Museum in New York opens the "In the Line of Fashion" exhibition today.

Featuring sketching, drawing and coloring from the golden age of illustration—primarily the 1940’s and 1950’s, although the exhibit contains some contemporary pieces—the Museum celebrates artists like Alvaro, McClelland Barclay, Rene Robert Bouche, Chuck Nitzberg, and Steven Broadway.

Implications - Illustrated fashion captures the world of style outside of the confines of reality. Consumer's are looking to immerse themselves in fantastical imagery full of bold color palettes and daring designs. This drive to escape "real life" is evident not only for fashionistas, but consumer bases industrywide. Brands should make their messages pop like these illustrations, which allow them to stand out from the crowd.
Trend Themes
1. Illustrated Fashion - Consumers are looking for fantasy and escapism in bold, colorful designs, presenting an opportunity for brands to incorporate more illustrated fashion into their marketing and messaging.
2. Golden Age Revival - The popularity of the 'In the Line of Fashion' exhibition suggests a trend towards reviving and celebrating the styles of the golden age of fashion illustration, presenting an opportunity for artists and designers to draw inspiration from this era.
3. Mixing Old and New - The inclusion of both vintage and contemporary pieces in the exhibition points to a trend of mixing old and new styles in fashion illustration, creating opportunities for designers to combine and update classic styles.
Industry Implications
1. Fashion - The fashion industry can incorporate more illustrated fashion into their collections and marketing to cater to consumers looking for escapism in bold, colorful designs.
2. Art and Illustration - The trend of reviving and celebrating the golden age of fashion illustration presents opportunities for artists and designers in the illustration industry.
3. Advertising and Marketing - Trends in fashion illustration can be incorporated into advertising and marketing campaigns across a variety of industries to create eye-catching and distinctive visuals.

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