Rewarding Ad-Blocking Apps

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The New Adblock Plus App Will Reward Good Ad Content

After participating in a panel about ad-blocking at SXSW, the makers of Adblock Plus explained that their new app will actually reward good ad content. As the advertising industry continues to evolve, this new app could push advertisers to look for new ways to make money from non-ad content.

The new app from Adblock Plus will come with a set of technical guidelines that determine which ads appear and which do not. Those ads that make the cut will be those that are not disruptive and that offer useful information for the consumer. The idea is to push advertisers to make content that is less disruptive and more aesthetically pleasing so that websites can gradually move away from relying on ads to monetize their content.

While the app will not be released until next summer, the discussion at SXSW demonstrates how advertisers will need to adapt to consumers demands in the near future.
Trend Themes
1. Rewarding Ad-blocking Apps - The new app from Adblock Plus will reward good ad content, pushing advertisers to make less disruptive and more aesthetically pleasing ads.
2. Evolution of Advertising Industry - The app's new guidelines will force advertisers to look for innovative ways to make money from non-ad content.
3. Adapting to Consumer Demands - Advertisers will need to adapt to consumers demands by creating content that is less disruptive and more useful for the consumer.
Industry Implications
1. Advertising Technology - The app's guidelines open up new opportunities for advertising technology companies to develop innovative solutions that deliver non-disruptive and useful ad content.
2. Digital Marketing - Digital marketing agencies can leverage the app's guidelines to create aesthetically pleasing and non-disruptive ads that resonate with consumers.
3. Content Monetization - Websites can explore alternative ways to monetize their content by moving away from reliance on ads and focusing on creating valuable non-ad content.

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