Automotive Printing Filaments

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Refil Turns Plastic Volvo Audi Dashboards into 3D Printer Filaments

3D printing has the potential to be great for creativity, but terrible for the environment—to strike a happy balance of the two, a Dutch startup by the name of Refil is now creating 3D printer filaments by recycling plastic Audi and Volvo dashboards and PET bottles.

The recycled filament is being called 'Refilament' and is comparable to other filaments, minus dyes and toxic additives. This means that the filament is available in two colors: Dashboard Black and PET Translucent. As far as how this filament comes to be, the dashboards are shredded, melted down and then reformed into usable printing filament. This filament is rolled onto a fully recyclable cardboard spool, which makes sure that the entire product is as eco-friendly as can be.

For its kind consideration of the environment, Refilament has already been named the Best Material Development for 3D Printing in 2015 at 3D Printing Europe IDTechEx show.
Trend Themes
1. 3D Printing Filament Recycling - Recycling plastic Audi and Volvo dashboards and PET bottles into 3D printer filaments offers a sustainable solution for the 3D printing industry.
2. Eco-friendly Filament Production - Using fully recyclable materials and avoiding toxic additives, Refilament sets a new standard for environmentally friendly filament production.
3. Material Innovation for 3D Printing - Refilament's development of a high-quality filament made from recycled materials demonstrates the potential for innovative material solutions in the 3D printing industry.
Industry Implications
1. Automotive - Transforming plastic dashboards into 3D printing filament creates opportunities for automotive manufacturers to engage in sustainable practices and explore new revenue streams.
2. Plastics Recycling - The process of recycling plastic dashboards and PET bottles into filaments opens up opportunities for the plastics recycling industry to expand its operations and contribute to a circular economy.
3. 3D Printing - The use of recycled filament in 3D printing presents opportunities for the industry to reduce its environmental impact and explore new possibilities for sustainable manufacturing.

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