Totally Together Totes

10 Swedish Designers Brand Continues to Innovate

10 Swedish Designers are behind these mod chic bags and purses. The designs are bold and practical.

Rule for staying on the forefront of your industry: Never ever reject something that is "too advanced." But that’s what the Swedish textile industry said of the work of 10 Swedish Designers. Seriously, what were they thinking?

That turned out to be a minor setback of 10 Swedish Designers, who decided to start their own company. The designers have created for IKEA, had their work featured in museums, and have bucked bureaucratic control for the past 39 years.
Trend Themes
1. Mod Chic Bags and Purses - Opportunity for disruptive innovation in the fashion accessories industry by creating bold and practical designs.
2. Swedish Textile Industry - Opportunity for disruptive innovation by embracing advanced designs and rejecting bureaucratic control.
3. Collaboration with IKEA - Opportunity for disruptive innovation by partnering with a renowned furniture retailer to create innovative textile products.
Industry Implications
1. Fashion Accessories - Opportunity for disruptive innovation in the fashion industry by offering mod chic bags and purses.
2. Textile Industry - Opportunity for disruptive innovation in the textile manufacturing industry by challenging traditional norms and embracing advanced designs.
3. Home Furnishings - Opportunity for disruptive innovation in the home goods industry by collaborating with designers to create unique textile products for furniture.

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