Puppet Phone Call Ads

The Zappos Customer Service Commercial Utilizes Dummies

The Zappos customer service commercial creatively uses puppets. Taking inspiration from the OnStar ads, which use actual customer calls in their reenactments, Zappos uses the same line of thinking in their advertisement.

The Zappos customer service commercial reenacts the typical and boring customer phone call, but with a bit of humor and some crazy-haired puppets, so viewers don’t actually mind watching it. Don't you wish that all commercials could be puppetized?

Implications - It would definitely improve the quality of many commercials, especially the ones that seem to eschew comedy in favor of simply selling the product. Hopefully this Zappos customer service commercial implores more companies to focus on creating advertising that not only pushes a product, but provides entertainment for consumers.
Trend Themes
1. Puppet Advertising - Companies can experiment with using puppets as a way to make their advertisements more unique and enjoyable.
2. Humorous Reenactments - More companies can use humorous reenactments of real customer experiences to make their advertisements more engaging.
3. Customer Service Ads - There is opportunity for more companies to showcase their customer service skills in a humorous and entertaining way through their advertisements.
Industry Implications
1. Retail - Retailers can use puppet advertising to evoke emotions in their target audience and stand out in a crowded market.
2. Service - Service-based companies can use humorous reenactments to showcase the quality of their customer service and gain potential customers' trust.
3. Advertising - Companies in the advertising industry can use the success of Zappos' customer service commercial and explore new ways to make advertising more engaging and unique.

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