Sake-Flavored Wafer Chocolates

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Kit Kat's Yoghurt Sake Flavor Boasts 0.5% Alcohol

Nestlé Japan released the first-ever Sake Kit Kat back in 2016 and has since followed up by creating other chocolates with plum and yuzu liqueurs. Now, Kit Kat is introducing Yoghurt Sake as its newest flavor, bringing attention to a rice wine made with rich Jersey yogurt. Japan's Niizawa Sake Brewery has been making its Yoghurt Sake since 2010 and it's an alcoholic beverage that's said to pair especially well with chocolate.

Like many snacks that are made with yogurt, Kit Kat's Yoghurt Sake mini-bars boast a creamy white color but they are said to taste like more than just the dairy product. As the bars contain 0.5% alcohol, they are said to offer plenty of Japanese sake flavors.
Trend Themes
1. Alcohol-flavored Snack Foods - Brands could explore the use of alcohol flavors in their snack foods to create unique products.
2. International Flavor Blends - Companies can look to different countries' traditional flavors and incorporate them into their confectionery products.
3. Innovative Chocolate Varieties - Opportunities exist for brands to experiment with unconventional flavor combinations in chocolate products, such as yogurt and sake.
Industry Implications
1. Confectionery - The confectionery industry can explore new flavors and ingredient combinations to stay ahead of the competition and attract new customers.
2. Beverage - Beverage companies can partner with confectionery companies to develop new alcoholic drink flavors that are suitable for impulse consumption.
3. Hospitality - Hotels and restaurants can incorporate unique and international chocolate flavors into their dessert menus to offer guests a new global perspective on confectionery.

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