Socratic Theory for Gamers

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'World of Warcraft Philosophy' is a Conversation-Starter

When you think of philosophy, surely Plato and Socrates jump to mind, but does the world Azeroth? Mixing the worlds of gaming and philosophy, the 'World of Warcraft Philosophy' book is sure to enlighten.

'World of Warcraft Philosophy' includes essays and short stories that touch upon the ethics and morals of the fictional game. From gender identity and leadership, to the “likelihood of the IRS auditing a troll,” according to

Implications - The popularity of the game World of Warcraft has resulted in the rise of an almost cult-like subculture of fans and addicts who have adopted the characters and rules of the game as a part of their daily lives. The World of Warcraft Philosophy book is the newest addition to the many books and films that excite the conversations of active members of this subculture.
Trend Themes
1. Gaming-philosophy Integration - The integration of philosophy into popular video games creates opportunities for new and engaging forms of interactive storytelling.
2. Ethical Gaming - The study and reflection of ethics in video games opens up possibilities for impactful and thought-provoking gaming experiences.
3. Culturally-based Pop Culture References - Books and films that reference popular games and subcultures have a built-in audience that can be tapped into for new and unique branding and marketing strategies.
Industry Implications
1. Video Gaming - Video game companies have the opportunity to create games that engage players on a philosophical and ethical level, creating deeper and more meaningful gaming experiences.
2. Publishing - Publishing companies can explore new markets by creating books that cater to subcultures within the gaming community.
3. Marketing/branding - Companies can incorporate pop culture references and subcultures into their marketing and branding strategies, appealing to a younger, more tech-savvy demographic.

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