Fattening Alcohol Stats

This Infographic Explains How Weight Gain and Alcohol are Related

This infographic explains the correlation between weight gain and alcohol. From Lucas James, Alcohol and Weight Gain: How Alcohol Contributes to Weight Gain covers a number of topics from metabolism to the best drinks to order when out. Based in Arizona, the celebrity personal training company describes the causes and solutions.

Author Rachel Blataric explains that because the body can't store alcohol, it metabolizes it right away and as a result other fats and sugars aren't metabolized as efficiently and your metabolism slows over time. A comparative chart explains weight gain and alcohol in terms of equivalent calories you would be drinking. For example a frozen margarita is similar to a cheeseburger. Mixers and poor food choices are other factors. Understanding what drinking moderately means is also important.
Trend Themes
1. Alcohol and Metabolism - Opportunities to innovate metabolic-enhancing alcoholic beverages or supplements.
2. Healthy Drinking Habits - Opportunities to create educational materials, programs or apps to promote healthy drinking habits and choices.
3. Calorie-counting Beverages - Opportunities to create calorie-counting alcoholic beverages, packaging or labeling.
Industry Implications
1. Food and Beverage - Opportunities for food and beverage companies to create low-calorie mixers or healthier drink options.
2. Fitness and Wellness - Opportunities for gyms, trainers or health apps to offer nutritional guidance and education on alcohol consumption and its effects on weight loss goals.
3. Alcohol Industry - Opportunities for alcoholic beverage companies to innovate and promote healthier alcoholic drink options.

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