Activist Music Videos

Project Everyone Remade a Spice Girls Music Video for Women's Rights

It's no wonder that Project Everyone used Spice Girls' 'Wannabe' music video as a means to deliver a strong message about women's rights and equality. Spice Girls was a female pop group phenomenon and its main slogan, "Girl Power," empowered little girls globally.
It's hard to believe that the Spice Girls' first hit, Wannabe, came out nearly two decades ago. The song can be played practically anywhere in the world and it wouldn't be surprising to hear people singing along.

Project Everyone's remake of Wannabe went viral overnight and is similar to the original music video except in this new version, each scene sends a distinct message about what women "really really want." The video spans across cultures with clips from different parts of the world. Various groups of women and girls are seen throughout the music video including many global celebrities and personalities. Several of the Spice Girls' have also advocated for Project Everyone's interpretation of Wannabe.

The organization is using this video as a tool to make some "noise" and is encouraging people everywhere to tweet about #WhatIReallyReallyWant for women. The end goal is to build momentum and present all these ideas of what women want to world leaders and the UN in September.
Trend Themes
1. Activist Music Videos - Activist music videos are an effective way to spread important messages and engage with a wide audience.
2. Global Feminism - Global feminism is becoming more prominent and is a trend to watch in terms of social change and activism.
3. Crowdsourcing for Social Change - Using social media to crowdsource ideas and support for social change is a growing trend that can be effective for creating real-world impact.
Industry Implications
1. Music Industry - The music industry has the potential to not only entertain, but also to serve as a powerful tool for social change and activism.
2. Non-profit Industry - The non-profit industry can leverage the power of music and social media to raise awareness and support for global causes and social change.
3. Media and Entertainment Industry - The media and entertainment industry can play a role in promoting important social messages and creating a more just and equal society.

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