Braille-Covered Electric Guitars

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The 'Vitar' Guitar Supports Those with Visual Impairments

The conceptual 'Vitar' guitar is an ultra-modern take on the classic electric musical instrument that's ready to provide impressive feedback for users of all ranges.

The guitar is outfitted with a wide array of buttons across the fretboard rather than opting for strings to send signals to the Digital Audio Workstation. Each of these keys are labeled with Braille to provide players with visual impairments or eyesight issues with a way to use the device just like those with complete vision.

The conceptual 'Vitar' guitar is the design work of Eojin Roh, Seonjin Baek and Yujeong Shin, and maintains a somewhat unconventional design that's curvaceous and ergonomic. This will accommodate comfortable playing when standing or when seated.
Trend Themes
1. Accessible Instruments - Creating musical instruments that cater to individuals with specific disabilities or impairments, ultimately providing them with equal access to perform and make music.
2. Inclusive Design - Designing products to be accessible and usable for everyone, regardless of physical ability or disability, thereby increasing the product's reach and positive impact on society.
3. Alternative Music Interfaces - Exploring and developing non-traditional interfaces for musical instruments, allowing for new and unconventional ways to create and play music.
Industry Implications
1. Music Production - Developing new technologies that cater to a wider range of individuals, ultimately expanding accessibility and creating more opportunities for musicians to create and perform.
2. Assistive Technology - Exploring ways to develop more assistive technologies that can help individuals with disabilities to engage with the world around them and be more independent.
3. Product Design - Incorporating inclusive design principles into product development, in order to create products that are accessible and usable for everyone, regardless of ability or disability.

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