Movement-Translating Gaming Rigs

The Cyberith Virtualizer Lets Gamers Walk, Run, Jump and Crouch

The Virtualizer is a virtual reality gaming rig, produced by Austrian company Cyberith, that allows gamers to walk, run, rotate, jump, crouch, kneel and sit down -- and have those motions translated into the game.

The key component of the Virtualizer is its base plate, which can support weights up to 120 kg. It is fitted with integrated optical sensors that precisely determine foot movements, while sensors in support pillars detect gamers' vertical position. The plate is coated with a low friction material, so gamers need only wear socks and don't need to create a racket while they're playing.

The contraption features a movable ring contraption into which the user is strapped. This system allows for a greater range of movement than other virtual reality gaming systems.

The Virtualizer is equipped with a counterbalance weight system that ensures minimum resistance and smooth operation, ensuring that the contraption isn't cumbersome to use.
Trend Themes
1. Virtual Reality Gaming - The Cyberith Virtualizer is a new form of immersive gaming that can disrupt the gaming industry and enhance user experience.
2. Movement-translating Technology - The technology behind the Cyberith Virtualizer can be applied to other industries that require precise motion tracking and can disrupt the way we interact with these industries.
3. Low Friction Material Development - The development of low friction materials for the base plate of the Cyberith Virtualizer can have broader applications beyond gaming, particularly in the manufacturing industry.
Industry Implications
1. Gaming - The Cyberith Virtualizer can disrupt the gaming industry by providing a more immersive and interactive gaming experience that can attract new users.
2. Fitness - The movement-tracking technology of the Cyberith Virtualizer can be applied to fitness, enabling users to exercise and move in a virtual space, which could lead to the development of new fitness apps and equipment.
3. Manufacturing - The low friction material used in the base plate of the Cyberith Virtualizer can disrupt the manufacturing industry by reducing friction and wear in industrial processes, leading to increased efficiency and reduced energy consumption.

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