Pixelated Animal Art

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The Sliced Pixel Project by Victor van Gaasbeek is Clear from a Distance

The Sliced Pixel Project by Victor van Gaasbeek explores how chopped-up pixels can be arranged to create visually arresting art. He's turned diagonally sliced pixels into several animal heads, including a flamingo, giraffe, elephant and deer. The pixelated animal heads look blurred when viewed up close; step back a few paces, however, and the images grow easier to discern.

Victor van Gaasbeek is a Netherlands-born illustrator and graphic designer. Previous clients include Nike, Neue Magazine and Buro ID; a handful of his projects feature the sliced-pixel technique seen in this series.

The Sliced Pixel Project is a delightful artsy take on computer pixels and the value we've assigned them in today's mainstream culture. I love how Gaasbeek used an icon of modern technology to recreate nature.
Trend Themes
1. Pixel Art - The use of pixel art in graphic design and illustration is a growing trend, with opportunities to fuse technology and nature.
2. Visual Distortion - Using visual distortion to create art is a trend on the rise, with opportunities for creative expression across various mediums.
3. Iconography - Iconography is a trend that can be seen in many aspects of culture, with opportunities for new interpretations and applications.
Industry Implications
1. Graphic Design - In the world of graphic design, pixel art and other forms of visual distortion offer opportunities to create compelling visuals in advertisement, branding, and other marketing materials.
2. Art - Visual distortion can find its home in modern art, offering new ways to express depth, texture, and form.
3. Fashion - Icons and pixelated designs can be used in fashion trends, offering bold new looks to the world of fashion and apparel.

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