Virtual Music Festival Exhibitions

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V&A Museum is Hosting a Virtual Glastonbury Exhibition

England's iconic Glastonbury festival has been cancelled for the first time in decades due to the COVID-19 pandemic, but in its place is a virtual exhibition hosted by the V&A Museum.

The exhibition will examine the festival's history through the use of multiple mediums including videos, photographs and other memorabilia. This exhibition is available to all would-be attendees, as a way to commemorate the weekend and to help cope with the restrictions put in place to stop the spread of the virus. This exhibition will also be contributing to a larger collection of the festival's history, and is asking all who have attended in the past to submit their favorite memories of their experience.
Trend Themes
1. Virtual Exhibition Events - As the world moves to more virtual exhibition experiences due to the pandemic, there's an opportunity for businesses to innovate and provide unique online experiences for their customers.
2. Digitization of Event & Festival History - As museums and events digitize their history in a virtual exhibitions, the event and festival industry have an opportunity to leverage this trend and engage attendees with the history and story of their events.
3. Crowd-sourcing Event Memorabilia - As more events move to virtual, there's an opportunity for businesses to crowdsource memorabilia from their past in order to create an impactful exhibition experience for attendees.
Industry Implications
1. Museum Industry - The museum industry has the opportunity to move beyond traditional exhibits and create more interactive exhibitions that allow attendees to engage meaningfully with artifacts and moments in history.
2. Event & Festival Industry - Event and Festival planners can digitize their history to maintain engagement with attendees in the event of cancelling or postponing their in-person events.
3. Digital Event Hosting Industry - There's an opportunity for businesses to provide platforms for customers to host virtual events and exhibitions, allowing attendees from across the world to participate in events without being physically present.

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