Furlable Flap Wrappers

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UP Apple Pie Packaging Helps You Handle Treats, Cooling Them So You Can Eat

The issue of having takeout dessert that's too hot to handle is certainly a First World problem, but this doesn't mean that a solution shouldn't be sought. The UP Apple Pie packaging concept was conceived by Cai Bang Yan and Cheng Hsien Jung, offering two advantages for consuming a favorite item on the McDonald's menu.

Perforations in both sides of the paper sleeve make it easy to punch two flaps out of the wrapper. When you press your thumb and fingers against these, you'll discover how effortless it is to slide the pastry up towards your mouth without burning direct contact. The more you push up the tabs and cause them to curl, the more cool air circulates through UP Apple Pie packaging so that you can consume its contents sooner.
Trend Themes
1. Perforated Packaging - Develop perforated packaging for hot takeout items to enhance consumer experience.
2. Furlable Flap Wrappers - Invest in developing innovative furlable flap wrappers to improve the handling of hot takeout items.
3. Air Circulating Packaging - Create air circulating packaging to cool hot takeout items and provide better consumer experience.
Industry Implications
1. Food Packaging Industry - Manufacture innovative food packaging products that provide improved food handling experience.
2. Fast Food Industry - Incorporate new product packaging concepts to improve the customer experience and satisfaction in the fast food industry.
3. Takeout Industry - Invest in the development of new and innovative packaging materials to meet the increasing demand for efficient and convenient takeout packaging options.

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