
Six Things to Do with Your Beard Brought to You by Schick® Quattro®

Beards are great. They serve so many purposes, like allowing you to hide behind a curtain of facial hair because...well...you’re lost and contemplating life. Here are six things we recommend doing with your beard. After you check off the list, watch this video from Schick® Quattro® to learn why real guys shave.

1)You can let your little sister French braid your beard.
2)You can hide the leftovers from lunch in your beard for a mid-afternoon snack.
3)You can spray paint your beard white and audition for the role of Santa Claus at the mall during the holidays.
4)You can bedazzle your beard and become a human disco ball.
5)You can use your beard as a napkin when you’re too lazy to get up and get one.
6)You can become a real guy and SHAVE off your beard.

It’s the summer of strong jawlines everywhere. Join the Schick® Quattro® movement to ditch your facial safety blanket and show America that you are not afraid to be a real guy.
Trend Themes
1. Beard Braiding - Opportunities for hair salons and barbershops to offer beard braiding services to men looking for unique grooming options.
2. Beard Bedazzling - Opportunities for beauty and jewelry companies to create specialized beard accessories that cater to the men's grooming market.
3. Real Guy Movement - Opportunities for brands to market grooming products and services that appeal to men's desire to embrace their masculinity and project a strong, confident image.
Industry Implications
1. Hair Salons & Barbershops - Beard grooming services and specialized products could be added to appeal to a broader audience of men seeking unique styling options.
2. Beauty & Jewelry - Creating special beard accessories that can add to the overall aesthetics or providing bedazzling services can create a new category of grooming products for men.
3. Men's Grooming - Opportunities to create campaigns around the 'real guy movement' and promote the idea that shaving can be an empowering decision that reflects masculinity.

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