Musical Beer Bottles

Tuned Pale Ale has You Ready to Jam Post Drink

Tuned Pale Ale is marked with a musical scale label and is a product of designer Matt Braun. The scale works as a marker; you just drink down to the note you want, blow on the rim and and you'll hear whichever note you aimed for. The product packaging aims to promote social interaction and inform users about the musical qualities of existing bottles.

It looks like Tuned Pale Ale would be a hit at any party with or without musical attendees.
Trend Themes
1. Musical Packaging - Opportunity for disruptive innovation in designing packaging that incorporates musical elements to enhance user experience.
2. Interactive Drinking Experience - Opportunity for disruptive innovation in creating drink products that encourage social interaction and engagement through unique interactive features.
3. Informative Beverage Labels - Opportunity for disruptive innovation in developing labels that provide users with detailed information about the product's qualities or additional functionalities.
Industry Implications
1. Beverage Industry - Opportunity for disruptive innovation in the beverage industry by creating new and unique drinking experiences that go beyond the taste of the product.
2. Packaging Industry - Opportunity for disruptive innovation in the packaging industry by incorporating interactive and informative elements into product packaging to enhance consumer engagement.
3. Music Industry - Opportunity for disruptive innovation in the music industry by exploring partnerships with beverage companies to create musical-themed products that combine the joy of music with the pleasure of drinking.

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