Fashionable Local-Supporting Hotels

Trunk Hotel is a Modern Travel Option That Uses Local Goods

Located in the bustling Shibuya district of Tokyo, the Trunk Hotel was made to pay tribute to the fashionable surrounding neighborhood.

The hotel was made with a strong emphasis on using local goods, from adding custom-made furniture to serving locally-sourced coffee beans found in Japan. The 15 guestrooms are all different, featuring unique beds made from reclaimed wood with stylish artwork on every wall that was created by local artists. The hotel offers two dining options: the Kitchen that serves Japenese fusion, and Kushi that serves Shibuya soul food.

While the hotel offers the best of the city in one space, the lobby has free recycled bicycles for each guest to explore with. The new Trunk Hotel is a one-of-a-kind travel experience that is available for booking now, starting at $250 a night.
Trend Themes
1. Local-supporting Hotels - Incorporate locally-sourced goods to provide an authentic experience to guests.
2. Customized Hospitality - Create unique guest experiences by incorporating locally-made furniture and art.
3. Sustainable Tourism - Provide eco-friendly amenities such as free recycled bicycles for guests to explore and reduce the hotel's carbon footprint.
Industry Implications
1. Hospitality - Hotels can incorporate local products and work with artists to offer authentic experiences to guests.
2. Furniture - Local furniture makers can work with hotels to create custom pieces that reflect the local culture.
3. Tourism - Eco-tourism businesses can offer sustainable trips that reduce carbon footprint and support the local community.

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