Pro LGBT Liquor Ads

Absolute Vodka's Ad Shows a Man Connect with His Transgender Friend

Absolut Vodka is looking to make its brand more inclusive through a series of videos as a part of its #AbsolutNights campaign, which includes a commercial titled 'Darla' that shows a cisgender man reconnect with his transgender friend.

In the short ad, the two run into each other at a music festival, where the man is at first awkward around the friend he once knew as 'Dave.' Throughout the music festival, he quickly comes to understand his transgender friend for who she is and comes to learn about her journey.

The company makes sure to incorporate uses for the drink as well, with the narrator claiming, "Suddenly we're backstage drinking Absolut Seabreezes." The ad, while less than a minute long, associates the vodka product with a theme of freedom, fun and acceptance, giving it a positive message.
Trend Themes
1. Inclusive Advertising - Creating inclusive advertising campaigns that showcase the diversity of society can lead to positive brand messaging and wider audience reach.
2. Transgender Visibility - Highlighting transgender individuals in advertisements can raise awareness and promote visibility for the community.
3. Brand-community Connection - Brands that promote acceptance and inclusivity can develop a deeper connection with their audience and build positive brand to consumer relationships.
Industry Implications
1. Alcohol - The alcohol industry can use inclusive advertising to promote their brand and connect with a wider audience, while portraying their product in a positive light.
2. Marketing - Marketing industries can focus on promoting inclusion and diversity in their campaigns, leading to positive social impact and increased brand awareness.
3. LGBTQ+ - The LGBTQ+ community can be a target demographic for companies who want to promote inclusivity and support for their community, leading to more loyal consumers and positive brand reviews.

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