10 Modern Protest Issues

"Who Controls the World?"

This is a great post found in the new site called Whocontrolstheworld.com, which is a resource for activist news, information about “free trade” and the corporate takeover of politics. This post has the top issues (described by their symbols, created by designer Cori Johnson) that led over 50,000 people to take to the streets in Seattle 1999 and halt the WTO's frightening escalation of power.

I think few people realize just how dangerous those times were, and how grateful we should be for the heroic efforts of those protesters. Some of the stories of the WTO's interference in US and Canadian government are frightening. Here's a list of the top protest issues with links to each post:

* WTO: World Trade Organization

* GMO's, Agribusiness and the Death of Nature

* Practice Safe Trade

* Food Safety

* Labor Rights

* Deforestation

* Oceans Alive

* 3rd World Debt

* NAFTA vs. Environmental Law

* Womens & Sweatshops
Trend Themes
1. Corporate Takeover of Politics - Disruptive innovation opportunities include development of new online platforms for political organizing and fundraising that do not rely on traditional political parties or corporate donors.
2. Food Safety - Opportunities to disrupt the food industry include development of new technologies for traceability and transparency in the food supply chain, and the use of blockchain to ensure food safety.
3. Sustainable Agriculture - Opportunities include the development of new approaches to farming that minimize environmental impact and the use of precision agriculture technologies to increase efficiency.
Industry Implications
1. Social Activism - There is an opportunity for social media platforms and other online tools to disrupt traditional forms of activism and provide more accessible and effective ways for people to engage in social causes.
2. Food and Agriculture - Opportunities for disruption include the development of new food technologies, sustainable agriculture practices, and the use of agtech and precision agriculture to increase efficiency and sustainability.
3. Political and Economic Policy - Disruptive innovation opportunities include the use of blockchain and other decentralized technologies to increase transparency and accountability in political and economic decision making processes.

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