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Inventive Ocean Cleaners

This Unique System Will Help Clean 7 Million Tonnes of Plastic

A new system is being developed that will help eliminate over 7 million tonnes of plastic in our oceans. Boyan Slat is a young entrepreneur that has set out to develop a series of floating devices that will help clean up plastic garbage piles called gyres. There are a number of floating gyres globally, one of the largest is located in the North Pacific and is literally almost twice the size of the United States.

This innovation by Slat is important to everyone on the planet for so many reasons. These gyres not only pollute our waters with chemicals, but all of the animals and sea creatures that mistake this for food will either die, or the toxins will end up in the food chain and work their way to our dinner tables.

If we don’t start paying closer attention to what’s going on in our world, the result will be an undesirable or non-existant future.

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