Photoblogs of Tokyo Hipsters

Dropsnap Showcases Over-The-Top Street Couture in Japan

It used to be that when I saw couture items on the runway, I’d wonder what the point was, thinking no one would actually wear them… that was before Lady Gaga was on the scene, and before I became aware that Tokyo hipsters love over-the-top street couture and exceptionally bold fashion. 

The gallery above shows a sampling of Tokyo hipsters on DropSnap, offering a glimpse into the extravagant attire women of Tokyo wear in public.

Women and men in Asia have been more daring with their styling for a while—only recently have westerners begun to play with sartorial eccentricities. Could over-the-top street couture make its way over here as well, or will we have to rely on ogling pictures of Tokyo hipsters in photoblogs?
Trend Themes
1. Over-the-top Street Couture - The trend of over-the-top street couture among Tokyo hipsters may inspire fashion companies to create unique clothing designs for the daring and bold Western market.
2. Sartorial Eccentricities - The rise in experimenting with sartorial eccentricities in Asia may provide opportunities for Western fashion companies to expand their markets and innovate in clothing design.
3. Photoblogging Fashion - The popularity of photoblogging street fashion may inspire tech companies to develop creative platforms or tools for fashion enthusiasts to share their unique styles and connect with others.
Industry Implications
1. Fashion - Fashion designers and retailers can look into Japan's thriving street fashion scene and find inspiration for innovative clothing designs that appeal to the bold and daring consumers.
2. Tech - Tech companies can create online platforms or develop tools for fashion enthusiasts to connect and share their unique styles, utilizing photoblogging as a medium to showcase eccentric fashion trends.
3. Marketing - Marketing and advertising agencies can leverage the popularity of photoblogging fashion to create unique campaigns and promotions targeting the younger, edgier audience interested in bold and eccentric fashion trends.

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