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Trippy Thor Tutorials

This Factual Film Discusses Thor's Hammer

Have you ever wondered about the weight of Thor's hammer? This new video from YouTuber Vsauce3 gives you all there is to know about the Asguardian's magical tool.

The video clarifies some misconceptions about the hammer, such as the fact that it's not actually that heavy; it just needs someone worthy to carry it. The video also explains that it was actually made in a dying star not out of a dying star.

The interesting thing about Vsauce3's take on this Thor Tutorial is that it takes a scientific point of view. He even quotes Newton's Law of Gravity. Since when did a superhero from another planet become more about science and less about magic? Well according to Thor, he comes from a land where science and magic are one in the same. Perhaps magic was really science all along.

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