Worldly Globe Record Players

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The Sound of Earth by Yuri Suzuki is a Musical Odyssey

The Sound of Earth is an epic name for an initially ambiguous piece of art. While it's shaped like a common globe, it's devoid of the typical markings that inform people of cities, countries, seas and more. Instead, it has an inky black surface. This surface acts as a record while the stand the globe is cradled in is a record player. Strikingly poetic, The Sound of Earth plays sound clips captured around the world.

Created by artist Yuri Suzuki, The Sound of Earth has recordings as far back as 2009, the year that he began traveling everywhere with a dictaphone. From Baile funk in Rio de Janeiro to a train announcement in Japan and Russian tourists in London, the soundtrack lasts for about 30 minutes.
Trend Themes
1. Personalized Art Experiences - The Sound of Earth showcases the potential for interactive and immersive art installations that engage multiple senses.
2. Global Soundscapes - The use of sound clips from different locations around the world highlights the trend of incorporating diverse cultural experiences into artistic creations.
3. Technological Convergence - The combination of a globe, record player, and sound recordings demonstrates the convergence of traditional and digital mediums in art.
Industry Implications
1. Art and Design - The Sound of Earth opens up opportunities for artists to create unique and engaging installations that blur the boundaries between art and technology.
2. Music and Entertainment - The use of sound clips from various locations presents opportunities for musicians and producers to incorporate global influences into their music.
3. Tourism and Travel - The Sound of Earth offers a new way to experience and appreciate the diverse soundscapes of different countries, providing potential opportunities for travel experiences that focus on audio immersion.

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