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Sassy Kitten Commentary

'The Shelter Pet Project' Tells What Your Cat Really Thinks

If you've ever wondered what your cat or dog would say to you if it could speak, feast your eyes on the incredibly cute and hilarious videos from The Shelter Pet Project. Running at just over 30 seconds long, each video features a talking pet, making sassy and witty commentary on the strange behaviour of their owners.

Rather than listing the reasons why potential owners should adopt their pets from shelters rather than buying from pet stores, The Shelter Pet Project takes a unique and entertaining approach at the subject by using humor and adorable images of talking kittens and puppies -- which, in my opinion, are impossible to resist.

The Shelter Pet Project videos are quickly becoming a hit both online and through the TV campaign, and after watching the way too-cute 'Sand Box' instalment of the series, I can understand why.

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