White-Out Hair Photography

Francesco Barion's 'The Blameless Statue' Series is Elegantly Ethereal

Simple and romantic, 'The Blameless Statue' photo series showcases a slew of white and neutral fashion pieces. These outfits work with the hair and makeup to give the photo shoot an ethereal air and the model an angelic look. Shot in-studio against a grey backdrop, model Caroline West does have a slightly haunted look as well, which is artfully accentuated by red-rimmed eyes and hollowed out cheeks.

Lensed by Italian fashion photographer Francesco Barion, The Blameless Statue photo series is aptly named. The white-streaked hair and brows paired with the American beauty's pale skin and elegant ensembles give the illusion that she is a statue.

The Blameless Statue photo shoot was styled by Karen Gallo. She choose fluid pieces that contrast with West's static poses. Hair and makeup was done by Britney Batt.
Trend Themes
1. Ethereal Fashion Photography - Opportunity for fashion photographers to capture romantic and angelic looks through the use of white and neutral fashion pieces.
2. Haunting Beauty Looks - Chance for makeup artists to experiment with red-rimmed eyes and hollowed out cheeks to create a slightly haunted aesthetic.
3. White-streaked Hair Trend - Potential for hairstylists to embrace the trend of white-streaked hair and brows to give models a statuesque appearance.
Industry Implications
1. Fashion Photography - Innovative fashion photographers can explore the ethereal trend to create captivating and mystical imagery.
2. Makeup Artistry - Disruptive makeup artists can push boundaries by incorporating haunting beauty looks in their work, appealing to those seeking unique aesthetics.
3. Hairstyling - Opportunity for hairstylists to embrace the white-streaked hair trend and create bold and memorable looks for clients who want a statuesque appearance.

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