Virtual Building Block Campaigns

Help the Characters from the LEGO Movie with the Awesome Alliance

The LEGO Movie was undoubtedly a huge hit when it came out and to prolong its success, the Awesome Alliance was formed, letting people from all over the world become master builders themselves.

The campaign was devised by the Copenhagen-based agency Konstellation and it had families partake in six missions using augmented reality to aid the heroes of the movie. The missions had people 'Robotize,' 'Happify' and 'Wing It,' turning ordinary objects into epic LEGO creations, which were then shared online and rated on their level of awesomeness.

The Awesome Alliance managed to draw in a huge audience and people from 132 of the world's countries got involved, successfully amping up the LEGO movie and getting families to interact with the characters for these fun missions.
Trend Themes
1. Augmented Reality Campaigns - Brands could create augmented reality campaigns that allow consumers to interact with their products and create their own unique experiences.
2. Crowdsourced Creations - Companies can engage consumers in product development by allowing them to create their own variations of products using crowdsourcing platforms.
3. Virtual Brand Ambassadors - Companies could create virtual brand ambassadors or characters that consumers can interact with in digital campaigns.
Industry Implications
1. Toy Industry - Toy companies could utilize campaigns that incorporate augmented reality to innovate and encourage interaction with their products.
2. Marketing Industry - Marketing agencies can utilize crowdsourcing and gamification techniques to engage consumers and create interactive campaigns for brands.
3. Film Industry - Film studios can extend the life of their movies by creating interactive campaigns that allow consumers to engage with characters and storylines beyond the big screen.

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