DIY Dessert Tacos

The Taco Bell Chocolate Taco Kit Lets You Make Your Own Choco Tacos

The Choco Taco is easily one of the most delicious desserts ever created, and now Taco Bell is giving you the chance to make your own at home with the Taco Bell Chocolate Taco Kit. The kit comes with everything you need (sans ice cream) to make a dessert taco, including: chocolate shells, sprinkles and chocolate sauce.

In addition to the Taco Bell Choco Taco Kit, the fast food company is also selling cinnamon shells. The reception of the new kit by Internet food bloggers has been decidedly mixed, with some decrying the shells for their relative lack of strength and taste. However, unless you plan on buying a waffle iron, then there doesn't appear to be an easier way to make a delicious Choco Taco on the fly. The kits have been sighted at Wal-Mart and are said to be priced at $3.
Trend Themes
1. DIY Dessert Tacos - A trend towards DIY dessert tacos and ice cream novelty foods made at home or on the go
2. Home-made Dessert Tacos - An opportunity to sell DIY dessert kits or pre-packaged dessert taco shells to home cooks and DIY enthusiasts
3. Innovative Dessert Kits - A trend towards innovative dessert kits capitalizing on nostalgia and the comfort food trends of younger generations
Industry Implications
1. Fast Food - Fast food chains adopting DIY dessert kits and ice cream novelty foods offering for customers to replicate iconic menu favorites and drive at-home sales
2. Supermarkets and Grocery Stores - Offering pre-packaged dessert taco shells or DIY dessert kits catering to the growing number of home-based foodies
3. Food Bloggers - Partnering with fast food chains to create dessert taco recipes featuring their products as well as providing creative dessert taco ideas

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