Politically Surreal Street Art

'Trump X Magritte' Mixes the Politician into the Surrealist's Ouvre

Rene Magritte may not be alive to experience the surrealism of Trump 2016, but Brazilian artist Butcher Billy is, and he has created a surreal street art series entitled 'Trump X Magritte' in the style of the Belgian surrealist's ouvre.

In Trump X Magritte, paintings like "The Treachery of Images" (or Ceci n'est pas une pipe), "The Lovers," and "The Son of Man" have been remixed with some of the Trump campaign's most notable imagery, including, of course, images of the man himself. Some of the works in the series are overtly political, like the image of Trump that reads, "Ceci n'st pas un etre humain." Others are more roundabout, simply inserting Trump into Magritte's surrealistic scenes and inviting the viewer to draw his or her own conclusions.

In either case, it may sound surreal, but Trump 2016 is providing fuel for artistic expression.
Trend Themes
1. Surreal Street Art - Opportunity for artists to create unique works by combining surrealism with popular culture or political figures.
2. Political Remix Art - Potential for artists to remix political imagery, such as campaign slogans or notable politicians, into existing artworks.
3. Social Commentary Art - Chance for artists to use their works as a medium for voicing opinions on current political and social issues.
Industry Implications
1. Art - Artists can explore new avenues of creativity by merging different styles and themes in their artworks.
2. Political Campaigns - Political campaigns can leverage street art and artistic expressions to engage with the audience and create a unique brand identity.
3. Art Galleries - Art galleries can curate exhibitions featuring political remix art, attracting a diverse audience and fostering discussions on contemporary issues.

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