Elderly Mobility Exoskeletons

Superflex is Creating "Powered Clothing" Specifically for Seniors

There are now plenty of high-tech exoskeletons that are being used for heavy lifting in the workplace, but Superflex is targeting a different demographic entirely with its "powered clothing."

Superflex's powered clothing is indeed designed to enhance strength and mobility, but its pieces are suited to elderly people who struggle with walking upstairs or getting up from a chair on their own.

Originally, Superflex technology was developed for soldiers carrying heavy loads and have since become well-known in various Call of Duty games. Rich Mahoney, the CEO of Superflex says: "We think of this as the first supersuit. It’s not a video game or science fiction. It’s real and will provide mobility assistance for people."
Trend Themes
1. Elderly Mobility Tech - Superflex's powered clothing indicates the growing market for specialized mobility-assistive technology aimed at seniors.
2. Personalized Exoskeletons - Personalized exoskeletons will continue to be developed and can serve as a viable alternative to traditional mobility aids.
3. Soft Wearable Robotics - The rise of soft, wearable robotics such as Superflex's powered clothing will make them more user-friendly and adaptable.
Industry Implications
1. Healthcare - Superflex's powered clothing holds potential for widespread use in long-term care facilities and for elderly individuals living at home.
2. Technology - The development of new mobility-assistive technologies such as Superflex's powered clothing will continue to drive innovation in the tech industry.
3. Military - Superflex's powered clothing was originally developed for soldiers carrying heavy loads, indicating that exoskeletons have significant potential for military applications.

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