Microbe-Based Cheese Alternatives

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Superbrewed Food's Microbe-Based Protein is Fermented

There's an ever-growing assortment of plant-based cheese alternatives but Superbrewed Food sets itself apart by making microbe-based cheese alternatives that are made with neither dairy or plant-based proteins. The microbe-based protein is made with the same familiar fermentation process that's responsible for creating beer from barley or kimchi from cabbage and according to Superbrewed Food, the process can be applied to both meat-free and dairy-free products.

The company is planning to kick off with a line of mozzarella, cream cheese and cheddar cheese, all of which use a proprietary microbe in the fermentation process. Superbrewed Food CEO Brian Tracy says, "You’ve been exposed to this microorganism a lot because it’s native to you," and "We’re the endpoint of that organism growing in your body."
Trend Themes
1. Microbe-based Cheese Alternatives - The trend of producing cheese alternatives using microbes as the base ingredient presents an opportunity for food tech companies to innovate and create new, flavorful alternatives.
2. Fermentation for Meat-free and Dairy-free Products - The use of familiar fermentation processes to create both meat-free and dairy-free products, like Superbrewed Food's protein, presents a key opportunity for companies to produce more eco-friendly and sustainable foods.
3. Proprietary Fermentation Techniques for Cheese-making - Developing novel proprietary techniques for fermenting microbes to create cheeses could be the key innovation opportunity for companies looking to enter the rapidly expanding market for dairy and meat-free products.
Industry Implications
1. Food Tech Industry - As more consumers seek out alternative protein sources, food tech companies are well-positioned to capitalize on the trend towards healthier, more sustainable food options by developing new microbe-based products.
2. Dairy Industry - The rise of dairy-free cheese alternatives could present a threat to traditional dairy companies, but also an opportunity for them to capitalize on the trend and create new, innovative dairy-free products.
3. Plant-based Protein Industry - While the use of microbes as a base for cheese alternatives is not plant-based, the trend towards alternative protein sources is a key driver of the market and presents an opportunity for companies in this industry to expand into new product lines.

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