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Trafficking Prevention Publicity

'Stop the Traffik' Awareness Campaign Stops Street Traffic

The 'Stop the Traffik' awareness campaign really does stop traffic in the Red Light District of Amsterdam with a powerful anti human traffiking stunt.

Four scantily clad women pose suggestively in dim, red-tinted window booths for all passer-bys to see. A crowd, mostly shown as men, gather to enjoy the show. Then the women break it down on a dubstep note into a harsh, mechanized robot dance. Windows one-story above are illuminated, showing two more women dancing, seemingly as puppet masters to those below. The music stops and the women freeze, eliciting cheers from the crowd - though they are quickly silenced by a trafficking statistic that flashes up on a large billboard at the top of the building. Caught totally off unaware, this marketing scheme hits home as the crowd is struck in powerful silence.

This campaign is a perfect example of how interactive promotional tactics can resonate more strongly within an audience - as I am sure no one in the audience will forget the show or reasoning behind.

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