WiFi-Stealing Campaigns

Tim Live's 'Steal My WiFi' Enticed New Customers to Its Broadband Network

It's very rare that you get someone saying "Yes, please steal my WiFi," but this is exactly what TIM Live did in order to give people a taste of its new ultra broadband service.

Some super powerful routers were set up and the WiFi networks were left open and password-less, with a name that literally said "Steal My WiFi." Upon connecting, people were able to take advantage of a high speed Internet connection for a limited time.

After providing the option for free WiFi to 10,000 people in 26 condos,
it was revealed that about 46% connected to the free WiFi network, with 26% of those people eventually turning into new TIM Live clients. Many Internet Service providers are often seen as sources of frustration, this one makes TIM Live absolutely golden.
Trend Themes
1. Open Wifi Campaigns - Creating campaigns that offer open WiFi networks to entice potential customers.
2. Limited Time Free Wifi - Offering free WiFi for a limited time period to attract new customers.
3. Innovative Router Technology - Developing powerful router technology to support high speed Internet connections for open WiFi networks.
Industry Implications
1. Telecom Industry - Telecom companies can use open WiFi campaigns to attract new customers and increase market share.
2. Retail Industry - Retailers can offer limited time free WiFi to customers to increase foot traffic and sales.
3. Hospitality Industry - Hotels and restaurants can offer open WiFi networks to enhance customer experience and loyalty.

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