Energetic Juice Cans

Good Juicery's Sparkling Juice Can Designs Brim with Energy and Whimsy

The sparkling juice can packaging for Good Juicery features a bright, poppy design that communicates the freshness and vibrant energy that's contained in each can. The fruit juices are totally free of preservatives, as well as artificial colors and flavorings, which makes them even more attractive.

Rather than an unexpected color scheme for each fruit, the cans play around with unusual mixes of hues. Although unconventional, the colors of the can seem to represent the exterior of a fruit, while the interior circle shows off what color you can expect to find on the inside of an apple, a passion fruit or a guava. The design by Tatjana Buisson works well as a trio and the quirky imagery communicates that "Like riding a penny-farthing without a care in the world, good times don’t need to be complicated."
Trend Themes
1. Bright Packaging Design - Creating packaging designs that use bright and poppy colors to communicate freshness and vibrant energy.
2. Unconventional Color Schemes - Exploring unusual mixes of hues on packaging that represent the exterior of a fruit and showcase what color to expect inside.
3. Whimsical and Quirky Imagery - Using quirky imagery to convey a carefree and fun atmosphere associated with the product.
Industry Implications
1. Beverage Industry - Opportunity for beverage companies to rebrand their products using bright and energetic packaging designs to attract customers.
2. Food and Fruit Processing Industry - Chance for companies in the food and fruit processing industry to experiment with unconventional color schemes on their packaging to stand out in the market.
3. Graphic Design Industry - Demand for graphic designers to create whimsical and quirky packaging designs that capture the essence of a product in a visually appealing way.

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