Speedy Video Game Art

Sonic Celebrates His 20th Anniversary in Commemorative Prints

Created for the 20th anniversary of Sonic the Hedgehog, this collection of digital and photographic artwork was made by a selection of talented artist who all wanted to honor the spiky, blue pixeled friend.

Romain Lenancker, Plastic Bionic, Jean Leblanc, Alexis Raimbault, Cory Schmitz, Barnaby Coote and Guillaumit all created their own artistic renderings for how they best thought the iconic video game character should be celebrated. Whether it be an Adobe Illustrator creation or a computer animation that brings Sonic and his world into one's reality, these prints will undeniably bring out the geek in you. So if you can't get your boyfriend to come to that modern art show with you, then why not show him some works that will appeal to both of your tastes with these 20th anniversary Sonic prints created for AMUSEMENT magazine.
Trend Themes
1. Digital Art Tribute - Opportunities for digital artists to pay tribute and create works of art for other celebrated pop culture characters and franchises.
2. Cross-industry Collaborations - Collaborative opportunities between video game companies and artists to create art collections that celebrate iconic characters in unique ways.
3. Nostalgia Marketing - With many iconic pop culture characters celebrating significant anniversaries, leveraging their nostalgic appeal to create commemorative merchandise and art collections.
Industry Implications
1. Video Game Industry - Opportunities for video game companies to collaborate with artists on digital art collections and extend the life of their brand outside of the gaming industry.
2. Digital Art Industry - Increased demand for digital artists to create commemorative works of art for pop culture icons.
3. Merchandising Industry - With the rise of nostalgia marketing, opportunities for companies to create commemorative merchandise in collaboration with beloved pop culture franchises and characters.

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