Randomized Sharing Apps

Social Sharing App Rando Picks a Photo, GIF or Quote On Your Behalf

This new social sharing app adds an element of Russian roulette to posting things on social media. The Rando app allows you to share a random photo, GIF or quote with friends.

Randomly sharing from your camera roll moves away from the carefully curated personas people craft for themselves online. The smartphone application also has a 'share blindly' feature, giving you even less control over how you present yourself. For the somewhat less daring, you can also let the social sharing app choose from a selection of photos, giving you some control over what gets sent to your friends.

Excellent for time-wasting fun, Rando is described as "some oddball side project" from developer David Barnard.
Trend Themes
1. Randomized Sharing - Apps like Rando are creating new experiences for social media users by providing an element of chance and surprise to their posts.
2. Less Curated Online Personas - Randomized sharing apps, like Rando, challenge the carefully crafted personas that social media users present of themselves online.
3. Decreased Control Over Sharing - The 'share blindly' feature of Rando represents a broader trend of decreased control over content sharing.
Industry Implications
1. Social Media - Randomized sharing apps like Rando are creating new opportunities for social media platforms to differentiate themselves and attract users.
2. Mobile App Development - The success of Rando as an 'oddball side project' shows the potential for unique and innovative mobile apps to gain popularity and disrupt the app market.
3. Marketing and Advertising - Less curated online personas created by randomized sharing apps present new opportunities for businesses to create more authentic and personalized marketing campaigns.

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