Comparative Media Graphics

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The Social Media vs. Traditional Media Infographic is Future Focused

The Social Media vs. Traditional Media infographic examines differences in the way that information is spread nowadays versus the past. Though traditional news outlets are still very much alive and well, the means through which they communicate has been drastically altered and attuned toward greater mobile access, widespread sharing and instant updates.

The infographic ranks the pros and cons of each against one another and finds that whereas social media is inexpensive, engaging and measurable, traditional (print) media is costly, one-way and difficult to measure. People can now go online and post on social media platforms about news, or share it among them or simply go to the article itself and post comments. The interactive capabilities of the media of today far surpass any benefits of yesterday's media.
Trend Themes
1. Shift to Social Media - Traditional media is being replaced by social media as the primary means of spreading information.
2. Measurability as Key Factor - Social media's measurability is becoming increasingly important compared to traditional media's lack of measurability.
3. Interactive Media - The interactivity of social media is quickly surpassing the benefits of traditional media.
Industry Implications
1. Media - Traditional media companies must adapt to the rise of social media or risk becoming obsolete.
2. Advertising - Advertisers must shift their focus from traditional media to social media to maximize engagement and measurability.
3. Marketing - Marketing strategies must incorporate more interactive elements of social media to keep up with changing consumer behavior.

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