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Rrripple is a Take on Facebook With a Different Layout

Social media networking groups are one of the hottest things on the Internet and the latest social media networking group comes to us from a few veterans of Silicon Valley.

Rrripple is a social media networking site that allows you to create different groups of friends, such as family, work, friends, alumni, and teams, and then gives you free reign over what each group can or can not see. It reminds me of Facebook, except it has a different layout.
Trend Themes
1. Personalized Networking - Creating customizable groups for different audiences potentially opens up a new market for niche social media networking sites.
2. Social Media Diversification - More and more companies are looking to take on the social media giants with unique features and layouts, potentially pushing Facebook and Twitter to innovate and adapt in order to maintain their dominant positions.
3. Privacy Management - Offering users granular control over who can see what may become a key aspect of future social media networking sites, allowing users to better curate and protect their online presence.
Industry Implications
1. Social Networking - Rrripple represents a growing trend of social media networking sites attempting to carve out a niche in an increasingly crowded market, driving innovation and competition in the wider industry.
2. Tech Startup - The emergence of Rrripple and similar companies offer an opportunity for tech startups to compete with established social media giants, potentially changing the landscape of the industry moving forward.
3. Data Privacy - New social media networking sites bring up different sets of data privacy issues and provide an opportunity for those who are innovating in the data privacy industry to provide solutions to these issues.

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