Car-Controlling Smart Bands

Volvo's Smart Band Setup Lets You Control Your Car Via Your Smartwatch

If you're a fan of the classic 1980s TV show Knight Rider starring David Hasselhoff, you might be interested in getting yourself to use one of these high-tech smart bands. Swedish automotive company Volvo and computing giant Microsoft have joined forces in order to allow progressive car-owners to easily, conveniently and remotely control their vehicles via their smart band.

The smart band is hooked up to Volvo's 'On Call' smartwatch app for increased functionality. This system is exceedingly simple to use in conjunction with a Microsoft Band 2 -- you can use the system to turn on the car's heater, honk its horn and even get the car started.

This automotive smart band could represent the future of personal automotive control, as it uses a fast-growing technology -- the smart band -- to enable control of simple vehicular functions and features.
Trend Themes
1. Automotive Smart Bands - The rise of smart bands with automotive functionality are making car control more effortless and convenient.
2. Integration of Wearable Technologies - The integration of smart bands with smartphones and other wearable devices is creating a new level of interconnectivity and convenience.
3. Remote Vehicle Control - The ability to remotely control vehicles via smart bands is a disruptive innovation that has the potential to revolutionize personal automotive control.
Industry Implications
1. Automotive Industry - The automotive industry is incorporating innovative technologies such as smart bands to make car control more seamless and convenient for consumers.
2. Wearable Technology Industry - The wearable technology industry is expanding with the integration of smart bands that are capable of controlling vehicles.
3. Software and Technology Industry - The software and technology industry is developing new apps and software to enable the integration of smart bands with automotive systems for remote control.

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