Personified Mythical Monsters

See Change Design by Amy TerKeurst Makes the Unbelievable Believable

Have you lost faith in fictional fantasy creatures? Artist Amy TerKeurst helps non-believers believe with her whimsical illustrations.

Amy TerKeurst is the creator of See Change Design, a design company run through her Etsy shop. This imaginative artist brings furry fantasy friends to life with her skilled drawing supplies. Amy sketches peace sign-dropping Sasquatches and Lochness monsters in love. Below these mythical monsters, Amy provides the statistics of her subjects. Learn about the original sighting of the Sasquatch, and the locations that the Lochness monster prefers.

All of the prints available through See Change Design are colorful and creative. Frame a fantasy creature for friends or family members who are mystical-meisters. These See Change Design images are immensely imaginative and give life to mythical monsters.

Implications - Current entertainment trends are embracing elements of mysticism and magic. Consumers appreciate products with fantasy elements for their ability to convey their values for imagination and belief. Companies can incorporate these qualities into their products to appeal to younger demographics.
Trend Themes
1. Mystical-meister Products - Opportunity for companies to incorporate fantasy elements into their products to appeal to younger demographics.
2. Embracing Mysticism - Current entertainment trends are embracing elements of mysticism and magic, creating opportunities for products and experiences that tap into this trend.
3. Imaginative Design - The popularity of whimsical illustrations and creative designs presents opportunities for artists and designers to create unique and imaginative products.
Industry Implications
1. Entertainment - Companies in the entertainment industry can tap into the trend of embracing mysticism by creating content, products, and experiences that incorporate fantasy and magical elements.
2. Art and Design - Artists and designers have an opportunity to leverage the popularity of whimsical illustrations and imaginative designs to create unique products and attract customers.
3. Gift and Home Decor - The demand for mystical-meister products presents opportunities for companies in the gift and home decor industry to offer fantasy-themed products that appeal to younger demographics.

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