Styled Statue Photography

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Saints by Philippe Jarrigeon is Fashionably Religious

The photo series titled Saints by Philippe Jarrigeon, a fashion photographer born in Le Beaujolais, France, shows a different side to these rather stony depictions of religious do-gooders. Unusually styled, the French photographer has extended his love of all things sartorial to the statues. Delving more and more into the sublime and surreal, this series is not as strange as some may make it out to be.

Shot for the 24th issue of Double Magazine, Saints by Philippe Jarrigeon sees contemporary fashion items such as bright red lipstick, oversize glasses and garish plastic hats draped over the church effigies. Rawly captured, almost with a Terry Richardson-esque quality, the photo series is full of quirks that will entertain rather than offend.

Overall, Saints by Philippe Jarrigeon is very eye-catching, playful and intriguingly provocative.
Trend Themes
1. Fashion Statues - Opportunity for designers and artists to incorporate fashion elements into traditional statues, creating unique and eye-catching installations.
2. Surreal Photography - Trend of capturing surreal and unconventional photography that challenges traditional expectations, creating thought-provoking visuals.
3. Fashion Editorial Fusion - Merge of fashion photography with other art forms, such as sculpture or painting, to create visually stunning and conceptually rich editorials.
Industry Implications
1. Fashion Design - Incorporate fashion elements and concepts into traditional sculpture to create innovative and artistic fashion pieces.
2. Photography - Explore and experiment with surreal and unconventional photography techniques to create captivating visuals and evoke emotions.
3. Art and Design Publishing - Collaborate with fashion photographers and artists to produce editorial content that merges fashion, sculpture, and other art forms for a unique and engaging reader experience.

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